"like a thin silver crescent moon in the dark night sky"

satillquinart mullcreed

a divider made to resemble a choker of jewels. the jewels are various shades of blue and sizes

this site wouldn't be possible without all the resources i used to build it, so i'd like to give credit where credit is due! plus, i'd like to share which character each page's theme is based on for those curious owo

thank you to everyone who provided all these materials! if you're the owner of anything here and would like me to take it down, please don't hesitate to contact me

a black ribbon divider with a purple heart in the center


pixel art of a crescent moon  the code used throughout this site is based on sadgrl's layout builder

pixel art of a crescent moon  favicon is from hoarding

pixel art of a crescent moon  base for link button is from lynn

home page

pixel art of a crescent moon  theme: jinguji jakurai (hypnosis mic)

pixel art of a crescent moon background: wallpaper flare

pixel art of a crescent moon dividers: finn

pixel art of a crescent moon graphics: finn, pixelbank, and thepixelqueen

about page

pixel art of a crescent moon theme: noël (vanishing starlight, sound horizon)

pixel art of a crescent moon background: jeremy thomas on unsplash

pixel art of a crescent moon dividers: finn and animatedglittergraphics

pixel art of a crescent moon graphics: finn and bonnibel

pixel art of a crescent moon translations: defade

blog page

pixel art of a crescent moon theme: the bakeneko/the owner of antiquaria nostalgia (doyokitan, absolute castaway)

pixel art of a crescent moon dividers: pixelbank and animatedglittergraphics

pixel art of a crescent moon graphics: pixelbank and bonnibel

pixel art of a crescent moon translations: niji

art page

pixel art of a crescent moon theme: tendou maya (revue starlight)

pixel art of a crescent moon dividers: finn and animatedglittergraphics

pixel art of a crescent moon graphics: finn and bonnibel

writing page

pixel art of a crescent moon theme: yumeno gentaro (hypnosis mic)

pixel art of a crescent moon background: agustin rafael reyes on flicker (edited)

pixel art of a crescent moon dividers: pixelbank and animatedglittergraphics

pixel art of a crescent moon graphics: bonnibel

pixel art of a crescent moon translations: hypmic_en

shrine page

pixel art of a crescent moon theme: azura (fire emblem fates)

pixel art of a crescent moon background: wallpaper flare

pixel art of a crescent moon dividers: finn

pixel art of a crescent moon graphics: hoarding and bonnibel

pixel art of a crescent moon translations: kantopia

hifugen shrine

pixel art of a crescent moon background: sadgrl

pixel art of a crescent moon dividers: homuhoard and animatedglittergraphics

pixel art of a crescent moon graphics: finn, pixelbank, bonnibel

contact page

pixel art of a crescent moon theme: ishmael (limbus company, project moon)

pixel art of a crescent moon background: wallpaper access

pixel art of a crescent moon dividers: finn and animatedglittergraphics

pixel art of a crescent moon graphics: finn and bonnibel

credits page

pixel art of a crescent moon theme: faust lavinia (mahoutsukai no yakusoku)

pixel art of a crescent moon dividers: finn and pixelbank

pixel art of a crescent moon graphics: pixelbank and hoarding

pixel art of a crescent moon translations: healing bonds