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golden rose shrine

a headshot of izanami hifumi from arb (hypnosis mic)   pixel art of a yellow heart   a headshot of yumeno gentaro from arb (hypnosis mic)

a divider made of a rose vine with leaves and three large roses in the center

back in late 2018, i started writing rumor has it because i wanted to explore gentaro's character against someone that invokes a different side of him than his usual self — and now 33 fics and counting, numerous fanarts featuring them, studying japanese more seriously to read doujins/jp fics about them, and the rewiring of my entire brain, i think it's safe to say i like hifugen quite a bit!

i've loved many ships before, but hifugen holds a special place in my heart with how far they've pushed me as a creative. there's so much to do with them, and as such, i've experimented a lot and found myself doing things i never thought i would! so this little shrine is just a way of showing my appreciation for them. enjoy!

a divider made of yellow roses and dangly hearts

pixel art of a yellow rose with the leaf sticking out to the left about

what is hifugen? hifugen is the ship name for izanami hifumi and yumeno gentaro from hypnosis mic: division rap battle. though their interactions in canon are few, they're impactful enough that their dynamic as enemies is well remembered — and holds a lot of potential for more.

a divider made of yellow roses and dangly hearts

manifesto pixel art of a yellow rose with the leaf sticking out to the right

coming soon!

a divider made of yellow roses and dangly hearts

pixel art of a yellow rose with the leaf sticking out to the left gallery

due to their positions and their team's rivalry, hifugen are often paired together in merch and art. this gallery consists of official material that focuses only on them, though there might be some things missing or are low quality. if you have anything that's not found here or anything in a higher resolution, feel free to send it my way!

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a divider made of yellow roses and dangly hearts

trivia pixel art of a yellow rose with the leaf sticking out to the right

 pixel art of a small yellow heart hifugen's middle birthday (the day between their birthdays) is may 12th

 pixel art of a small yellow heart hifumi's nickname for gentaro is "yumenocchi," however this wasn't heard until the april fool's 2023 arb event. in the jp hifugen community, "yumenon" has been most commonly used as hifumi's nickname for gentaro

 pixel art of a small yellow heart speaking of the april fool's 2023 arb event, gentaro was once again revealed to have written the entire scenario — the very scenario where hifumi's soul ends up in gentaro's body. gentaro, why are you putting the man you hate so much inside your body "for fun"? 🤨

 pixel art of a small yellow heart hifumi and gentaro both quote "in spring, the dawn" from shonagon sei's pillow book in their spring 2021 arb lines (translation by meredith mckinney)

 pixel art of a small yellow heart gentaro counts "1, 2, 3" as "hi, fu, mi" in rhyme anima ep 5

a divider made of yellow roses and dangly hearts

pixel art of a yellow rose with the leaf sticking out to the left fun stuff

honestly i have such a specific music taste that it makes creating character/ship playlists difficult lol, but i always thought they were neat! so here's my attempt for hifugen. one is for messier dynamics, the other has a sort of fluffier vibe. if you have song suggestions, i'm always open to them!

bitchy hifugen playlist

soft hifugen playlist

a divider made of yellow roses and dangly hearts

guestbook pixel art of a yellow rose with the leaf sticking out to the right

feel free to leave your thoughts on hifugen or any other comments you have here! this shrine was built based my own perspective, so i'd be happy to hear what others love about hifugen~ thank you for visiting! :D

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